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Image by Jhon David



  • This rule will have a devastating impact on hardworking families and will raise the "invisible wall" to new heights by requiring new forms with new document requirements.


  • The rule could needlessly prevent vast numbers of hardworking, law-abiding individuals in the United States from obtaining green cards, and it will exacerbate U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)'s crisis-level case backlog by requiring adjudicators to apply a complex and nebulous legal standard while processing hundreds of thousands of new, time-intensive forms annually.


  • Our nation was built, and is sustained, by immigrants of every socioeconomic class and background.


Beginning February 24, 2020, applicants and petitioners must use new editions of the appropriate forms (except in Illinois, where the rule remains enjoined by a federal court).

Contact an immigration attorney immediately to see if you qualify for a green card before the new rule takes effect.


These policies apply to ALL immigrants applying for visas or green cards processed inside The United States, including immigrants that leave for 180 days or more and apply to reenter.

Ruttle Law, P.C.


Abogado de Inmigracion

3620 Pacific Coast Hwy Suite 100, Torrance, CA 90505
Call: 424.220.8846

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